Shungite with Quartz Markings Sphere


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Shungite is a black, non-crystalline mineraloid which consists of carbon, silicates and minerals like aluminum, iron, and others, it is often referred to as the "Stone of Life". It was first descovered from a deposit in Karelia, Russia. Scientists have reported this ancient stone being over 2 billion years old and only found in Russia. It has been written that Shungite absorbs negative energy, purifies, normalizes and induces recovery, and is a superior grounding stone. History writes the Russian King, Peter the Great erected a palace near the "magic" spring. Russian soldiers used Shungite to cure themselves of weak stomach, kidney problems, scurvy and other ailments, it is also sold today as chips that can be used to purify water. King Peter ordered each of his soldiers to carry a piece of the stone in their backpacks for health use and protection. It is also used as a source of protection from electromagnetic radiation from computers, tv's, microwaves, cell phone etc. A very interesting stone indeed!

Size large: 50mm lovely smooth feel to the touch, Grade A quality. Shungite with quartz markings 

(NOTE: PRICE IS PER PIECE, a grouping is shown to example the natural variations which occur.)
Great healing stones which can be incorporated in to a healers practice!

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