
New large scrying mirrors!

New large scrying mirrors!

Posted by Kathryn Brown on 2nd Jul 2020

In history we can read of the Anglo-Welsh mathematician John Dee (1527–1608/9) also astronomer, astrologer, teacher, but mostly well known as an alchemist and court astronomer and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I who famously used a black obsidian scrying mirror. His mirror can be found in the British Museum along with other pieces of Dee's including a crystal ball and carved wax discs engraved with magical figures.We are excited to now carry large 9" size mirrors, each comes with a protective sleev … read more
Sunburn Relief

Sunburn Relief

Posted by Kathryn Brown on 3rd Jun 2019

We just entered June and the weather is certainly warming up. We have already had some 90 degree days in May, it's going to be a hot one. If you find you are a little red after spending too much time out try this little simple relief recipe, apply several times a day for skin care.  Essential Oils: 3 drops of Lavender, 2 drops of Chamomile and, 1 teaspoon (5ml) or Aloe Vera Gel.  Most people have lavender, but if you do not have chamomile oil on hand just increase the lavende … read more
Bidde McBoots is Causing Mischief!

Bidde McBoots is Causing Mischief!

Posted by Kathryn Brown on 2nd Jun 2019

If you find this mischievous little witch (who goes by the name of Bidde McBoots) while shopping in the store please return her to the counter to receive your reward! Your great service in stopping mischief will get you 50% off an item, a gift, a potion, well you get the idea!
New Sage Coming!

New Sage Coming!

Posted by Kathryn Brown on 29th May 2019

Salvia, known in English as "Sage", from the Latin meaning "health". It is known as the plant of immortality and has been used for centuries in ritual by tribes and peoples from around the world. As well as it being a popular incense it has also been turned into pastes and medicinal ointments too.