Tips for using Power Stones!

6th Apr 2013

Our power stones are a popular product, mostly purchased as large meditation stones for those who like the heavier weight and total awesomeness of how they look!  They do have other uses though!  Try using them as massage stones, the weighty feel of the stone when combined with massage and essential oils can give a wonderful deep massage to relieve tired and weary muscles and do not forget you benefit from the gemstone properties too!   Another wonderful way to enjoy these large stones is to place around ones home, try placing on your office desk to benefit from the crystal energy.  Use as an altar stone changing out with the seasons and colors of the year.  Use  in color healing, setting up a sacred healing space for meditation is a wonderful way to incorporate color therapy into your life, placing your blue crystals on a blue cloth, use blue candles etc to receive the benefits associated with each color.
