Aura Exercise

8th Aug 2013


Aura Exercise: this simple exercise can be done anywhere with or without crystals, this morning I personally used a clear quartz and experienced beautiful flashes of color throughout the exercise. This is useful to do every morning and just sets your day off on the right note...

1 ~ Close your eyes and imagine a pure white light. As you breathe in try and feel your breathe drawing up the white light up the back of your body from your feet and then pausing over your head. 
2 ~ Imagine the white light hovering about you - when you breathe out the white light will flow down the front of your body before sweeping under your feet.
3 ~ Breathe in white light up the right-hand side of your body to the top of your head, breathe out the white light down the left-hand side of your body and then under your feet. Repeat as many times as you feel led to do so. 
4 ~ Begin to move the white light further out from your physical body and continue this for four breaths, not too far out, again use your intuition. 
5 ~ Now visualize the white light surrounding your body, it has completely surrounded you, say aloud or silently thanks for your day ahead and the blessings you have. Your aura has been strengthened and cleansed for the day ahead.

Love and light....Kathryn